Introducing: The Studio Laloc Journal
Welcome to our new Studio Laloc Journal! The Journal (for short) is a space where we can share any studio news, our current musings, our latest work, our process (especially of Lauren’s personal home renovations), the latest products and service offerings, our travels, and behind the scenes stories from our studio.
Before this, Lauren wrote a blog called “A Layered Life” that gained popularity when Lauren recording the renovations of her own personal home. While that blog was fun to keep up, it was also just another thing on Lauren’s plate that she couldn’t really give much attention to. So we’re hoping that by having a blog of sorts under our studio’s brand, written by several members of our team, we’ll be able to keep this one up to date with fresh content bi-monthly, if not more frequently!
To start the journal off, Lauren will be sharing a series of posts about her latest upcoming home renovation that we promise you won’t want to miss!
In order not to miss a post, please sign up for our journal where you’ll be notified of new posts by email. We hope you enjoy!